Colonial Lexington


What Homes Were Like

Every person in Lexington in the 1700's lived on a farm. The house was a main feature of the farm. In the 1770's there were three types of houses built. 

One Room House

The first type of house was a very simple one room house that had one room on the first floor of the house with a fireplace along the wall and a ladder or stairway that led to a second floor chamber. Today we call chamber's bedrooms. 

Hall and Parlor House

The Hall and Parlor house was a two room house. A chimney in the center of the house gave heat to the parlor and to the hall. Today we call the hall a kitchen and a parlor the living room. A larger hall and parlor house would have a staricase to the second floor which would have chambers. 

Georgian Style

In the 1750's Georgian style houses started to be built in Lexington. These homes had four downstairs rooms,  four upstairs chambers, and two chimneys. Some people changed their hall and parlor houses and made them into Georgian style houses.