Colonial Lexington


Welcome Mrs. Salomone's Class

Hello students, 
This is historical researcher Ms. Jensen. My partner and I need your help. It appears as though we have lost some of the important information about your town in our historical records and we need your help to find it. This website is designed to help you learn about the history of your town, Lexington, what it was like in colonial times, and the role its played in the Revolutionary War. All of the information you need to find is on this website you just need to look carefully. I need each of you to help me by being my historical detectives and looking for this missing information. At the end of the website there will be a quiz so you can test your knowledge about your town. This is a very important mission students, from here on out you are officially historical detectives. It's up to you to save the history of Lexington. Start by clicking on the "Colonial Families" tab at the top of your screen. Good luck detectives. Ready.... LET'S GO!